Saturday, August 31, 2013

8/28 Still talking about last Thursday but it is Saturday. When I got home Wed. night there was a letter from the doctor here in town saying Carl was ok, Nothing on the CaT scan he probably just had IBS. that was it, no referral no nothing a basic form letter form his  office. I was so pissed off, the same CT scan done Wednesday at OHSU confirmed the cancer and another done Thursday morning of his chest indicated no spread of the cancer (a good thing). Yea lawyers have been mentioned not sure that is going to happen but christ we were going to these guys for 6 months telling them it was more then IBS. and there were symtoms of something else. Crap.
His family is here and everyone is helping, it is really great having them especially getting this started. Carl has those tubes and we were shown how to take care of them in the Hospital but really cool to not have to start right away by myself.

Yesterday was good and bad. Carl got to come home but the big meeting set for 10:45 to discuss surgery, get the level of the cancer and determine the care plan did not happen. I was really pissed. The Head resident, a nice guy apologized but did not help my mood much. Carl's sister got into it too. Reading between the lines I think it is the surgeon who is not available. No matter because we can't do much about it. Carl likes these guys, he likes almost everyone but feels comfortable with them so no moving hospitals. So after that I went to work for part of the day to get ready for kids on Tuesday, got that done sort of. My teaching partner did a whole lot of work to get us ready. We share a case load of about 80 kids, she does reading and writing I do the maths, algebra and this year consumer math. plus study skills classes. The family texted me about 3:45 that they were releasing Carl in an hour so I took off. My school is an hour or more away form the Hospital (on a good traffic day). got there at five, family left and it was almost 7:30 before the released Carl. I did not get lost driving home. we stopped for some snacks, cashews and jerky.

Today  Family Day

 I'm exhausted and more sore knee is killing me. Carl's sister went to visit an old friend in Vancouver with her Partner K. I took off to fill prescriptions since we got home after they closed. Turns out a couple were rare and I needed two stores and a couple hours calling by the Pharmacy to no avail on one drug. So delivered the ones I got and went in the other direction Newberg and they did not have the last one either but could order it. In Mac they could not even order. So about 2 I was done with drug runs. tired and icing my knee. It is feeling better but I'm way limping. Don't want to whine downstairs though with Cancer patient on a bed down there sore knees are sort of secondary. Things are going good with Carl, Eating good but I'm betting he did not get the protein recommended by the nutritionist. Most of his family is Vegan or vegetarian so I need to make sure he gets protein. Dr said no to vegetarian diet with vegetable protein. Just not enough to build him quickly back to where he needs to be if surgery is an option.

I should mention that my kids, ex wife and sister have all been in contact and my sister in Vancouver was over to see Carl and her husband as well. The rest of my clan is too far to get here so will be later in the fall before the see us. Grand baby is in Montana, well mom is and soon to be grandson is kicking up a storm lately.

Well enough and I feel a bit better. This does relieve some of the pressure of not being able to say a lot to Carl or his parents. they are great people I  just don't have the language well enough. Well I'm off cooking marinara sauce and realized that it is 8:40 and no one has eaten. that is the funny thing the family are all night owls. The sisters and Mom are buy the spaghetti. Lost??

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